Saturday, August 31, 2019

Health Care Spending Essay

â€Å"Historically, U.S. health care spending has grown at rates exceeding the economy’s growth rate, often by at least 2 percentage points per year† (Holahan & McMorrow, 2012, 393). Recently, it seems that the rate of health care spending has slowed down a little, though no reasons can be pinpointed as to why this is. There are many factors that affect the growth of health care spending, and plenty of solutions have been proposed to help improve this issue. Factors such as advancements in medical technology and an increase in the price of prescription drugs cause health care costs to rise year after year. Solutions have been presented and implemented, like Medicare and Medicaid and managed care plans, however, even these components have added to the health care spending issue. With all the discussion and debate, one thing can be agreed upon, something needs to be done. In recent years both public and private payers have experienced an inclement rise health care spending that has exceeded income growth. This growth started right after the end of World War II and has continue to increase every ten years, health care spending has exceeded the gross domestic products (GDP) which had a projection of 26% by 2035 taken for health care spending, prior the health care reform was passed. This number is only going to continue increasing, which bring in the importance of control the spending since the nation’s long-term fiscal balance will be determined by the future rate growth in health care cost. According to Chernew (2010) the primary determinant of spending growth is the development and diffusion of new medical technology. However this does not imply the establishment of new technology rather focuses on how to use it with technologies and systems already in use, in other words make it compatible to work together. The diversity of technologies contributing to spending growth generates a diversity of pathways by which technology increases spending. These includes high unit cost driven capital cost or the need for specialized labor, high volume, or cost related to complementary services. Because the past rate of health care spending growth is not sustainable, both private and public payers will take action to lower spending. Those actions may not necessary alter the forces that historically have driven up spending, but they will be designed to address the immediate problem of high sending. There are many options from cost sharing from patients, reductions in payments to Medicare Advantage, fee reductions under the new payment rules implemented with Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. On the article there is a suggestion that I find interesting about Global payments, which is an alternate form of bundled payments which is a program use to pay a fixed fee for a set of services related to a specific episode of care. This might be a good solution for the situation we are facing now, because it would give providers the opportunity to profit with reduced revenue, and even share some of the savings form not using health care services. Yet in order for bundled payments system to be successful the need of having the proper tools to improve the efficiency of care. Many providers will be able to develop these tools, but it would require partnership between facilities, physicians, and insurers. For the system to be successful it would have to carefully manage practice pattern changes due to new technology, adjusting aggressiveness based on the generosity of bundled payments updates. If bundled payments encourage efficiencies, they may reduce the level of spending more than spending growth, and that is exactly the area we as country need to be working on. According to President Obama, â€Å"We do not have a spending problem; we have a health care problem†. This statement was alarming to many Americans. The President feels that healthcare spending on the aging population is the number one fiscal problem. Then why is the solution taking so long? With Obamacare, Medicare will see cuts up to $716 billion. Where will this leave the Americans who receive Medicare? How can they still receive health care with this much of a cut? Will Providers be willing to provide the same high level of care with the high cut to their expected fees? There is no way of knowing if this will even solve the health care spending problem or if it will create even larger problems for Americans. Budget cuts will be needed in other areas to make these cuts to health care spending improve the financial state of our country (Galupo, 2013). According to New Republic’s Jonathan Cohn, the new health care reform addresses the cost of health care rather than health care spending. He argues the proposed spending cuts will address the health care spending problem along with other budget cuts. Obamacare may not be a good solution to the current health care spending problem in America. Many suggest that the new law’s affect on provider reimbursement rates will have a huge impact on access to care for many seniors. This can greatly affect the health of our aging population. Spending cuts projected for Medicare and Medicaid will help that aspect of health care spending but with the added subsidies for people to purchase private health insurance, the savings just do not add up. When it comes to health care spending there is much controversy on what increases health care cost, what measures we can take to keep health care cost down, and what actions we can take to make health care affordable without limiting health care. According to the chart provided below shows how costing allocates throughout the nation. â€Å"Hospital care and physician services combined added up for half (51%) of the nation’s health expenditures.† Below is a diagram from the year 2010 of the nation’s health expenditures. National Health Expenditures, 2010 Totaling up = $2.3 Trillion Some major growth health care costs include a rise in chronic disease, administrative cost, or technology or prescription cost, although there may be many more expenditure that adds up to the growth in health care cost these three have been discussed to have the biggest effect on the nation. As technology continues to advance over the years to come, we may face more health care struggles, so being prepared for the unexpected leads to a healthy future. Health care spending continues to be a concern for most Americans. â€Å"The nation’s efforts to control health care costs have not had much long-term effect, prompting a debate over what proposals are actually able to reduce for the long-term. Approaches are largely divided by debate over a stronger role for government regulation or market-based models that encourage greater competition† ( Plans such as Obamacare are being implemented, but these plans are not solving the problem. Political debates and public discussions will continue as people try to figure out what factors are responsible for this problem and what solutions are truly aimed at achieving optimal health care at affordable costs. References Chernew, M. (2010). Health Care Spending Growth: Can We Avoid Fiscal Armageddon?. Inquiry,47(4), 285-295. Galupo, Scott, 2013, Let’s Split the Difference: We Have a Healthcare Spending Problem, The American Conservative, Retrieved February 14, 2013: Holahan, J. & McMorrow, S. (2012). Medicare and Medicaid spending trends and the deficit debate. The New England Journal of Medicine, 367(5), 393- 395. Senger, Alyenne, 3013, No, Obamacare Does Not Lower Health Care Spending , The Founder, Retrieved February 16, 2013: The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. (n.d.). U.S. Health Care Costs. Retrieved from

Friday, August 30, 2019

Mark Twain’s “Two Views of the River” Essay

Mark Twain’s â€Å"Two Views of the River† offers two distinct ways of how to see the world. One is to see the world with a child’s eye. There is a certain level of amazement and wonder in seeing something for the first time or seeing something different in something very familiar. There is an exploration and a discovery involved. There is poetry. Then there is the other way of looking at things and seeing only the mundane. Here, people are seeing things and accepting that there is nothing extraordinary with things. This happens quite often when people see a place or a thing and only see the practical side. There is less wonderment and more analysis as to why it is there, what is its usage and how does it affect people. From a colorful poetic view, it becomes a practical nonchalant way of seeing the world. To capture such feeling in film, one must first focus on the first way of looking at the world. This involves seeing things for the first time with awe and wonder. It is poetic in a sense that almost every small detail has a hidden meaning and offers something worthy of camera time. Therefore, it should start with a long shot of the whole scene. And then it follows the narration and zooms in into the details. This offers the effect that from the outside one notices the big picture but is affected more by the details. This puts emphasis on the significance of everything from the changing river to the ripples of the water to the shore. Close-up shots of the river, the river’s changing colors, the sun, the ripples, the shoreline and the woodland should be taken. Each part should be consistently given importance and time. This creates the effect of taking it all in. Each part contributes something beautiful to the whole scene and must be portrayed as such. The second scene would be about how a scene fades from being novel into something being practical. The key in giving off this kind of feeling is to look at how the small details fit into the big picture. Here, Mark Twain says how the sun tells of what the weather will be or how a floating log means that the water level is increasing. Everything is connected to each other and its importance is seen in how it contributes to the big picture. As such, it is good to go and reverse what was done on the first part. From the close-ups, the camera can pan out of the woodland and the riverside through the river and end up with a zoomed out picture of the whole scene. It could also be shot in black and white while the other scene is shot in color. This does not mean the second more practical side in seeing things is less important. It does give off a dulling effect from something poetic to something practical. However, it also gives a larger view of the scene and as such, the viewer is able to see more and can use more what he sees for his everyday life. He sees the importance of things instead of its aesthetics. The effect of both scenes is like how a child and an adult experience the city. The first time, as a child, one sees the city with its big buildings and assortment of. One notices first the different buildings and shops and lights. Each reminds that this is no longer home. There is something foreign in the air. The sounds of the city are loud as it is a mixture of people talking and cars going by. Then there are heaps of people, each dressing differently for different purposes. There is something amazing with being in the center of such a busy world where everything is in constant motion. But as an adult, the city is no longer such an oddity. It becomes an everyday experience. The mass of people, cars, the noise, the shops, the buildings all fade into the background. Everything is accepted as part of reality. There is no longer amazement in learning new things. When people go to the city, they no longer look from left to right soaking in every detail. They simply go about their business without paying much attention except to see which route would go fastest or what store offers a better price. Such practicality becomes the main way of looking at things. This paradigm shift is the effect needed in portraying Mark Twain’s â€Å"Two Views of the River†. There should be two clear distinct scenes – a colorful and full in awe scene and a more practical scene that looks at the big picture. This shift and the difference in the shots give off how people change in how they see the same things. From seeing the small details and reveling in them for the first scene, the last scene goes back and looks at the big picture and how it affects the viewer. The details are not in focus and the color fades. However, one is able to see a larger view of the world. This contrast between both scenes leaves, at the end, an open ended question regarding which viewpoint is better.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

How Management Teams Can Have a Good Fight Essay

Summary How management teams can have a good fight? Everyone has his own answer. Related to O.B., what’s the new answer? In the case study, we discussed about â€Å"the forgotten group member† as group. We talked about â€Å"yes or no†, â€Å"why† and â€Å"how†. Every member can have his own idea, but we must reach an agreement as our group’s conclusion. This process is called â€Å"decision making†. During this process, if all the members’ own ideas are the same, that’s perfect! But most of the time the fact is someone says â€Å"yes†, and someone says â€Å"no†, and when we met the question like â€Å"why† and â€Å"how†, the answers became even more. Then the group meets an issue named â€Å"conflict†.This article, by Kathleen M. Eisenhardt, Jean L. Kahwaly, and L. J. Bourgeios â… ¢, focuses on conflict in the processes of the team decision making. Let’s return to the first questio n that how management teams can have a good fight. The business professors make their research based on observing how the groups managing the interpersonal conflicts. The research about interplay of conflict, polictics, and speed in strategic decision making by top management teams last for 10 years. The objects to be observed are 12 top-management teams in technology-based companies. As shown, in 4 of the 12 companies, there was little or no substantive disagreement over major issues and therefore little conflict to observe. And the other 8 companies experienced considerable conflict. In 4 of the 8 companies, the top-management teams handled conflict in a way that avoided interpersonal hostility or discord. Managers in those companies referred to their colleagues as smart, team player, and best in the business. They described the way they work as a team as open, fun, and productive. The managers vigorously debated the issues, but they wasted little time on politicking and posturing. The other 4 companies in which issues were contested were less successful at avoiding interpersonal conflict. The executives used words such as manipulative, secretive, burned out, and political to describe their colleagues. What made the difference between the 2 types of teams? The authors identify 6 key tactics used by all of the teams that were able to keep interpersonal conflict to a minimum. * Focus on the facts * Multiply the alternatives * Create common goals * Use humor * Balance the power structure * Seek consensus with qualification 1. Focus on the facts It means more information more better. Fact Data Fact Data Guess Opinion Guess Opinion Let’s compare the 2 groups of words: Which do you think is more personal? When we talk about the left group, mostly we summarize it as â€Å"subjective†. The right group is usually summarized as â€Å"objective†. The teams with minimal interpersonal conflicts always work with more, rather than less objective and current information and data, such as reviewed bookings, backlogs, margins, engineering milestones, cash, scrap, and work-in-process every week or every month. Some team even claims to â€Å"measure everything†. Facts encourage people to focus on issues, not personalities and let people move quickly to the central issues surrounding a strategic choice. Building decisions on facts creates a culture that emphasizes issues instead of personalities. Therefore, the debate will be much more constructive. 2. Multiply the alternatives It means more options, more better. Look at the picture, If I ask that what’s this or whether this is the sun or the moon, there are only 2 alternatives. Thus usually we easily fall into the arguments about black and white. Multiple options allow more exploration of the gray areas, and lead to more creative solutions that integrate key points of the various alternatives. Maybe you can say this is a cake, an egg, or anything else. Someone maybe consider that more choices can increase the conflict, but the research shows that multiple alternatives can lower interpersonal conflict. For one, it diffuses conflict. The individuals gain more room to vary the degree of their support over a range of choices. Managers can more easily shift positions without losing face. The team ended up combining elements of several options in a way that was more robust than any of the options were individually. 3. Create common goals It means let’s go there! A third tactic for minimizing destructive conflict involves framing strategic choices as collaborative. The successful groups we studied consistently framed their decisions as collaborations in which it was in everyone’s interest to achieve the best possible solution for the collective. During the process of decision making, when team members are working toward a common goal, they are less likely to see themselves as individual winners and losers and are far more likely to perceive the opinions of others correctly and to learn from them. For example, let’s discuss the first trip for practice. Our common goal is to go to Pattya. Then we discuss how we shall go. Shall we go there by minibus, taxi or airline? But if someone wants to go to Rayong and another wants to go to Huahin, a lot of time will be wasted in the argument. So, the common goals do not imply homogeneous thinking, but they do let everyone share a vision. 4. Use humor It means Inject humor into the decision process. In our class, there is a very cute and funny guy, his name is Pop. Every time when we do the case discussion in-class, every time when Pop raises his hand, what do you guys expect? For me, I am ready to smile or laugh. So what is the influence of laugh? * We will have good mood. * The pressures will be lower. * We can get the information from others more easily than in the stressful situations. According to the research, people in a positive mood tend to be not only more optimistic but also more forgiving of others and creative in seeking solutions. So when our group tries to make a decision, such positive mood will trigger a more accurate perception of others’ argument, because people in a good mood tend to relax their defensive barriers and so can listen more effective. Humor works as defense mechanism to protect people from the stressful and threatening situations that commonly arise in the course of making strategic decisions. 5. Balance the power structure It means (focus on equity) to create a sense of fairness by balancing power with in the management team. Most people will accept decisions they disagree with if they feel the process was fair. In the balanced power structures, the CEO is still more powerful than the other members of the top-management team, but the members do wield substantial power, especially in their own well-defined areas of responsibility. The teams with high interpersonal conflict are mostly found that the leaders are autocratic or weak. 6. Seek consensus with qualification It means give the chance to everyone to bring his idea. In the process of decision making, the teams that managed conflicts effectively all used a two step process that is called consensus with qualification that is when the teams meet an issue, the members will talk over it and try to reach consensus. If they can, the decision is made. If they can’t, the most relevant senior manager makes the decision, guided by input from the rest of the group. Individuals are willing to accept outcomes they dislike if they believe that the process by which those results came about was fair. So how does consensus with qualification create a sense of fairness? Most people just want their opinions to be considered seriously but to prevail. So just encourage everyone to bring ideas to the table. If the members can effectively join the process of decision making, the interpersonal conflict will be minimized. Linking conflict, speed, and performance The healthy conflict can make better decision and make the teams move more quickly as well. Without conflict, groups lose their effectiveness and lower performance. Managers often become withdrawn and only superficially harmonious. So let’s return to the first question that †how management teams can have a good fight?† The key to doing so is to mitigate interpersonal conflict. Well, how teams argue but still get along? That’s the content of this presentation. Tactic| Strategy| 1.Base discussion on current, factual information| Focus on issues, not personalities| 2.Develop multiple alternatives to enrich the debate| | 3.Rally around goals| Frame decisions as collaborations aimed at achieving the best possible solution for the company| 4.Inject humor into the decision-making process| | 5.Maintain balanced power structure| Establish a sense of fairness and equity in the process| 6.Resolve issues without forcing consensus| | Critique Overall evaluation This is an article with clear thinking. The authors got their conclusion through long time research based on objective observe and numerous data, which is the way that analyzing the problem and exploring the root of the problem. How management teams can have a good fight? Effective decision making, implement it positively How to deal with the conflict during the decision making process? Manage interpersonal conflict effectively How to manage interpersonal conflict effectively? 6 tactics— Focus on the facts Multiply the alternatives Create common goals Use humor Balance the power structure Seek consensus with qualification The 6 tactics that the authors summarized are very direct and crucial. They seize the key of the problem-solving. During the process of discussing each tactic, they demonstrate the point by real case and data which are very convincing. In the last part of the article, the authors link conflict, speed, and performance to form a path of solving problem, the title of the article is got the answer. After reading this article, my gain involves 3 aspects as following: First, the article answered the question about how to manage the conflicts during the process of group’s decision making. During the decision making process by groups, it’s normal and natural that the group encountered disagreements and conflicts. The critical thing of decision making by groups is to managing the conflicts. After reading the article, I have got the clear answer to solve the problem. Second, â€Å"how management teams can have a good fight† is a complicate subject. However the authors analyzed the issue and finally focused on a small and crucial topic to solve the problem. Understand such professional ways to analyze problem is very useful for me. It inspires me that â€Å"questioned—explore the root of the question—research—analyze—generalize and related to the major subject†. Finally, the method used by the authors that gathering data and analyzing with the objective facts are very objective and scientific. It’s also very valuable for me. Weakness When I finished the article reading, I have a question, maybe I shouldn’t not describe it as weakness. Among the 12 management teams in technology-based companies which the authors observed and researched, 8 companies that experienced considerable conflicts, which is the main data source for research. For the other 4 companies, because there was little or no substantive disagreement over major issues and therefore were not discussed. In my opinion, if the major goal of the research is only to discussing the conflict from decision making by groups, then there are no problem that the authors did not discuss the case of these 4 companies, because the case have no value for the research. But, the authors are trying to discuss how management teams can have a good fight. And actually the case of these 4 companies also occupies one-third of the feedback data. It exists there indeed. However it was not mentioned by the authors in the article. I am curious about the case that there was little or no substantive disagreement over major issues, why the disagreement is so little? What situation will it lead to? Will it also make the organization to have a good performance and get a good fight? If the authors had talked about this, we would get clearer idea.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Week 8 History 2303 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week 8 History 2303 - Essay Example The rules that were formulated this time allowed husbands to claim their wives wherever they found them and they could always snatch the women of their wages. There were instances where a widow could be snatched all the husbands’ belongings; fathers could distribute their wealth to all their children disregarding their daughters, women had no property rights. (Stearns and Walkowitz. 57) Also in some cases they had their rights upheld and they could be paid their wages whenever they worked for overtime and also they were not overworked if payments were not necessary. Women in some instances were guaranteed better life in the factories and there were no unjust laws. The mill girls who had their own homes were allowed moderate time to work and also the opportunity to teach in some schools during summer months. Some widows got the opportunity to be housed in corporation houses where the girls were also kept. More so, these girls were given the opportunity to read the novels and the bibles and some other good books that could appeal to them. They participated in critical writings and this was the only avenue they could voice their grievances. Many girls were put in a situation that only enabled them to extend their help to their drunken fathers and widowed mothers. Many girls were forced to work and their wages used to pay school fees for their male counterparts, althou gh the influence of industrialization made them uniformly good in terms of character, religion as well as their health. When wages were significantly reduced, girls challenged it by engaging in industrial strike. (Stearns and Walkowitz.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Totalitarianism and the individual using the book Under a Cruel Star Essay

Totalitarianism and the individual using the book Under a Cruel Star and two other readings - Essay Example horrible living conditions and galling transportations can be used to describe the camp as trying to establish one’s life and a family was hardly possible due to starvation and violence. Another form of totalitarian form of governance was in Moscow where purge was conducted as authors were controlled over the content with which they are to publish. Those carrying out the purge are described as lacking sophistication and stupidity. Under controversial circumstances, books were withdrawn and example being Lenin’s book because they were listed under Marx’s â€Å"Communist Manifesto† with Riazanov’s forward, but in many other instances this explanation breaks down. The â€Å"Authoritative† and â€Å"Educated† bunch of people were forming purging committees and recommending the removal of controversial readings. Under â€Å"philosophy† the Leningrad instructions propose that â€Å"idealistic philosophy should be removed entirely fro m circulation and this would leave only Kant’s and Hegel’s works in circulation since their writing and ideologies went in line with the governing authorities. Questions were raised over the withdrawal of many writers especially those who by the humblest and most general assessment are on a higher level and less pernicious than the hundreds of junky kinds of belles-lettres that Gosizdat put out even at this time. The kind of leadership being experienced was resulting in a totalitarian form as the main instructions of Glavpolitprosvet are more restrained and balanced, TBTW. The recommendation was to remove all the prerevolutionary literature that was concerned with upbringing and education, all prerevolutionary mathematics textbooks, all anthologies of Russian literature, collections of pieces for recitation, oral public reading and narrations from the local public libraries to central and pedagogical libraries (Kova?ly 17). On the other hand, Adolf Hitler being an arde nt militarist, during his rule rejected democracy terming it a bankruptcy and promoted an authoritarian form of politics based on the leadership principle. He was of the belief that war was a crucial test of a nation’s vigor and the defeat of Germany in 1918 was not the result of military failure but rather the product of the diseased condition of the German society in general, (Hitler 513). The corruption and weakness that was evident in the country was caused by the diabolical machinations of the Jewish people, whom Hitler had portrayed as a degenerate race engaged in an international conspiracy designed to destroy the national principle binding the German people together as a â€Å"master race† and Hitler then offered himself as the leader of the revitalized militantly nationalist Germany purged of all those who would weaken or diminish the racial purity of the German people. Hitler’s thoughts were centered along an obsessive preoccupation with racial â€Å" hygiene† which according to him was a basis of national strength. According to Hitler (517), the Jewish people with all their apparent intellectual qualities are nevertheless without any culture of their own and the sham culture which the Jew possess today is the property of other people and is mostly spoiled in their hands. He furthers the opinion that the state is a means to an end, and

Personal Development Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Personal Development Planning - Essay Example Training in the medical field is challenging learning process and requires perseverance, desire and passion to help the society (Heller, 2009). Specialties in the medical field usually take duration from 3 to 6 years of study depending on the field of specialization. Basically it takes an approximate of 12 years to start practicing medicine from the year of joining college. Studying in a medical requires some intelligence in the way one study in order to finally achieve an undergraduate degree. The basic requirement for one to achieve in the medical field is the passion. One should have the passion to learn more, curious in achieving knowledge in the medical field and the desire to have a hand in helping the society (Heller, 2009). The performance in science related studies can be used to gauge the ability to succeed in medical field. Though the science plays an important role in decision to take concerning the medical career, excellent performance in science is not usually a guarant ee to success in medicine (Heller, 2009). It is usually necessary to be strong in science and also have a good relationship with people. Basically being a physicist is taking the task of assisting others. To begin with, the feeling of helping others attributes a good character of becoming a physicist (Heller, 2009). The medical field is broad and involves handling patients in various capacities and in diverse categories. It ranges from specializing in research, practicing in the field and educating doctor. Depending on the course taken, becoming a physicist is always treated with high esteem and honor in the society. Taking a physicist career may guarantee a job security because in an unfortunate event, there is always a tendency of illness to occur. Joining the doctors’ career in a university is highly competitive. The places in medical school are scarce therefore universities would always revise the minimum requirement every year depending on the demand. The career structur e also changes with time (Green, 2009). Basically the profession requires a huge motivation for a person to successfully complete a university course and become a doctor. A typical medical training would take a minimum of 5 years training as student, internship and practice till becoming a full doctor would amount to seven years. Taking medicine as a second career A choice of becoming a full doctor may not be the first choice however a decision to join the career may come later in after achieving in the first choice career. Generally the probability of being considered may be even higher than the fresh candidates joining a career for the first time. Basically this is because of the composure and the ability to properly answer the interview questions gained in the other field. Joining a bachelors degree in medicine The choice of the degree mainly depends on the performance in courses related to physics, chemistry and biology. Basically a year study on these subjects determines the me dical school to join. Usually the studying medicine requires the highest grades in these subjects (Green, 2009). In order to increase knowledge in the field, it is always advisable to take a volunteer work in healthcare activities that would enhance understanding on the field. Higher grades in sciences and at least a qualification of 3.3 in GPA enhance the chances. Application process When applying for the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Report on Representation of Slavery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Report on Representation of Slavery - Essay Example Baltimore was not a major fighting point during the civil war but played a strategic role because of its position. All troops and movement of men and material need to flow through Maryland to reach the war fronts of the south. Fort McHenry was the prison for the supporters of the secession during this period. However, Fort McHenry played a significant role during the fight with the British in 1812. There is also evidence of Afro-American descendants fighting for America. Fort McHenry and Hampton are about 10 miles from one another. The visit to Hampton which is off the north bound Dulaney Valley Road and into the Hampton lane for about a mile down, is interest kindling and relates the social history and life of the people during that period. Whereas, Fort McHenry relates us to the times of war and power play that makes to the history books. While one is a symbol of life, the other is a symbol of victory over aggression and the victory of equality of human beings. Private William Williams was the first black to get into the exclusive only white US Army in 1812. Fort McHenry represents the day of equality for the first time in the history of US. A run-away slave, was made a private and was paid the regular private bounty of $50 along with private wages of $8 per month. The equality that this action represents in the history of America actually marks the beginning of America, less than fifty years of declared independence of America. Subjugation of weaker men in earlier world was common. Slaves are found all over the world from Africa to America; from the east to the west. This action is one of the earliest major steps taken towards equality of man kind in line. Fort McHenry represents this in their short movie and also later in the picture galleries when art and written information about William Williams is presented for posterity. While this was the case with Fort McHenry, Hampton on the other hand represents the other side of slavery. Human beings were literally put in ghettos which were called living quarters. And men had little or no liberty except to work for their masters under their supervision. The committed working of the African slaves in Hampton was reflected in the well being of their master. "The General's lands are very well cultivatedhis cattle, sheep, horses, etc., of a superior sort, and in much finer condition than many I saw in America. He is very famous for race horses and usually keeps three or four such horses in training, and what enables him to do this is that he owns very extensive iron works, or otherwise he could not." - English Visitor Richard Parkinson, 1805 A display in Hampton read the above message. Now this implied that the workers and slaves in Hampton slogged it out very well and were impressive craftsmen. There were men and women who could make sure that their lands turned fertile and they were also good enough to work on the iron works and turn out the best equipments for the General. While checking with the curator, she also concurred that

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Prices and Problem Solving Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Prices and Problem Solving - Case Study Example Williams, proceeded with it and it was then that Goudberg got in. It was then that they made several trips to the U.S. and that they met with Mr. Herniman which in the course would provide architectural services. It was in September of 2000 that Mr. Herniman got in to the scene. Accordingly, his firm was prepared to undertake a certain amount of preliminary work to assist Williams and Goudberg to get the project happening. In 2002, it was already considered by Williams that the concept was already starting to take its practical shape, but it was in the same year that the project (Industry Food Services Pty Ltd) was incorporated. There was no agreement reached with applebee and no capital was ever obtained. In consideration to the series of events, the work done or performed by both Williams and Goudberg can not in any way considered exploratory or preparatory, but it actually carried out as carrying on a business. In the event that the two were conducting market research, traveling to the U.S. and negotiating with applebee, it can not be concluded as conducting a business at the time that they entered into arrangement with Mr. Herniman. In the conclusion cited by Kellan, and reference with the definition of "partnership, as a relationship which subsist between persons carrying or business in common, with a view of profit." The view of Williams never took to its preliminary stages because as cited in the dispute, nothing really came out, all the activities rendered by both Williams and Goudberg were just exploratory or preparatory in nature. Factual circumstances does not point to any conclusion that there was partnership involved. Herniman, being the respondent was not able to establish that there was really a partnership because as cited "he had never performed any architectural preparations to the proposed project"(reading,2007) Accordingly, his team was prepared to understate a certain amount of preliminary work to assist Williams and Goudberg to get the project happening. Assignment Question 2 Problem Solving A business that is well conceived and well planned possesses certain inherent advantages. At the same time, the fact of its newness may have significant disadvantages(Hamilton 2005) One of these comes in the planning. The starting point of any program of a business is a careful estimate of requirements. The usual starting point of a business forecasts is the record of the immediate past, modified for foreseeable variation during the forecast period. The possibility of substantial errors of forecast is great. Unfortunately, the spirit of optimism which is the necessary accompaniment of new ventures in business tends to produce underestimates rather than overestimates. Lets take a look at one typical case of a business partnership that did not have any starting point of planning. The case of Ken and Maria. The start of their joint venture or partnership is an example of a business that did not have smooth take off. There are rules in establishing a partnership that they have overlooked. At the start, it seemed that Ken was the industrial partner, and Maria was the one who financed everything. Since the registered name of the business bear the names of both

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Research methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 5

Research methods - Essay Example It establishes the role played by advertising in influencing mobile phone preferences by customers. Results showed that gender and age groups were influenced at an equal scale by advertising and distribution of their mobile phone brands. 58% of respondents preferred I-phone brand. Many respondents preferred the functionality and performance aspects when choosing the brand. Information of mobile phones is obtained from the internet but bought from brand stores. Surprisingly many customers do not pay attention to advertising. There is need to place high preference on performance, operation and functionality when selecting mobile phone companies. This is also a clarion call for mobile phone companies to retain their market share by taking positive steps in increasing market share. The relevance of presence and continuity in business by any outfit is to generate sales and profits. Remaining in business is pegged on the ability to produce sufficient sales of products that cover operational costs and post rational profits. To many companies, sales estimate becomes the beginning of profit planning and budgeting (Cannon, 1999). Costs must be determined prior to running production and influencing material purchases. On the customers’ perspective, the optimal choice covers purchasing a product with average costs but maximizes on functionality, operational level and reliability. The regeneration of assorted mobile phone brands in the information and communication industry has created a cut-throat competition among key players, keen on increasing their market share (Dunn, & Barban 1987). With increasing competition, consumers face though choices in identifying their best brand. It becomes necessary that mobile phone manufacturers comprehend the principal issues that can lure the prospective buyers to their brand. By doing so, they can conduct marketing action and planning (Etzel, Walker & Stanton 1997). Nevertheless, in making decisions on

Friday, August 23, 2019

Animal paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Animal paper - Essay Example Oftentimes this methodical rise and descent is accented by one or two acrobatic flips into the ocean air. Instrument + Range Although difficult to express the range of actions and shades of feelings, for this particular animal and the actions it undertakes in a given day I believe a bass violin would be the best instrument to suit this purpose. In this way the low bass would symbolize the size and strength of the animal whereas the higher tenor sounds that could be generated along the upper reaches of the fingerboard could help to symbolize the shades of meaning, and thrill that the animal must feel when it rises to the surface and/or jumps into the ocean air. Musical Dynamics Not surprisingly, the musical style must take on the dynamics of power, suspense, and thrill in order to accurately represent the actions of the cheetah. As such, the best model with which to do all of these things would be that of the classical symphony. The style and musical presence that could be provided wo uld be sufficient to paint the mood and the strength that the animal engenders. Although some might consider the dynamics to necessarily be mundane due to the fact that the animal is not one of a great deal of action; however, this could be countered by the magnificence and power that the animal displays in all of its movements. Rather than a piece that relies on the integrated speed and tempo fast action, the work could display a broad use of building dynamics coupled with crescendos and decrescendos and progressions in order to achieve the desired result. Texture Although the entire symphony would be utilized, the string sections would be relied upon to the greatest degree to provide the listener with the sense of a rush and climb and subsequent descent that would be manifest . Likewise, as the animal approaches the surface, the texture would fill to provide use of all violins, cellos, and bass violins to provide the sense that the desired goal and/or action is nearly completed. L ikewise, with the jump into the ocean air, I would employ use of the first violin section with the brass. This would be affected by having the violins run a quick progression of notes to indicate the jump then suspend their music while the brass section provides a powerful solitary note to be concluded by a strong conclusion of the action by the cymbals/percussion section. Rhythm Section As described multiple times already, it will be up to the individual musical elements to help to describe the power, magnificence, and strength of the whale (Rothenberg, 2012). However, the rhythm section will be relied up on heavily to provide the listener with the accompany actions that the whale undertakes. Likewise, the timpani will be used to emphasize the power and strength that are exhibited in nearly every action. Further percussion will serve to accent the movements and activities to include the jump and subsequent crash back into the ocean water. Likewise, a snare drum could easily be used to denote the release of the oxygen the whale has been holding in its lungs for such a very long period of time. Melody Style In this piece the melody style that will be employed will be that of a conjunct melody. By using such a means of melodical expressions, the slow, methodical, graceful, and majestic movements that the whale makes during its ascent and subsequent descent could be amplified to the listener. Likewise, the pitch of the melody will necessarily

Thursday, August 22, 2019

U.S. Nuclear Weapons and Weapon Programs Essay Example for Free

U.S. Nuclear Weapons and Weapon Programs Essay Thesis Statement: Replacing the Stockpile Stewardship Program (SSP) with the Reliable Replacement Warhead Program (RRW) may alleviate existing issues concerning the long-term reliability, safety, security, and manufacturing of U. S. weapons. However, the RRW has been cancelled due to the overwhelming concern of long-term funds to maintain RRW and Democrats feel as though the RRW is not a proven technology (GlobalSecurity. org). However, the RRW should be used as a motive not to continue nuclear testing. Currently, the SSP consists of worn weapons that are costly to maintain and are subjected to underground testing (Boyer 303). Implementing the RRW will provide cost-efficient and reliable weapons that are manufactured to last with fewer obligations to nuclear underground testing. Implementing the RRW would be a good investment for this reason alone. Overall, replacing the SSP with the RRW will establish new cost-efficient weapons with less maintenance that are less prone to underground nuclear testing; provide state-of-the art technology to protect the U. S. from terrorist’s intrusions – such as hacking and unauthorized usage, and create an efficient method for securing the decreasing stockpile. 1) Long Term Reliability of U. S Weapons. The maintenance of refurbished weapons may become more complicated due to aging. The RRW addresses this issue by implementing new weapons that are cost-efficient and safe thus providing reliable and safe weapons for the U. S. According to the article, A New Nuclear Warhead, â€Å"The RRW is committed to the smallest nuclear stockpile consistent with our security; to safe, secure and reliable weapons; and to the current nuclear testing moratorium. † Refurbished weapons tend to need more maintenance and are subject to nuclear underground testing. 2) The Safety and Security of U. S. Weapons. The SSP may not be sufficient to meet future goals pertaining to the safety and security of U. S Weapons. In the article, Reliable Replacement Warhead, â€Å"RRW aims to make US nuclear weapons safer and more secure against unauthorized use by incorporating state-of-the-art security features that cannot be retrofitted to older weapons. The ultimate goal is to transition to a smaller, more responsive nuclear infrastructure that will enable future administrations to adjust the US nuclear stockpile as geopolitical conditions warrant. † (26) 3) Maintenance of Existing Weapons may become more expensive with the SSP. Refurbished weapons require more maintenance than newer weapons thus requiring additional funds to sustain current conditions of the weapons. According to the Department of Defense news release, Kenneth Krieg states that the implementation of the RRW will reduce stockpile size by permitting new weapons with less maintenance. Newer weapons will need less maintenance and in return will be less applicable to additional funding. Members of the Nuclear Weapons Council are confident that incorporating the RRW will permit a more positive and cost-effective infrastructure by employing improved computational and experimental tools to administer the technical base (U. S. Strategic Command 1). 4) Implementing the New RRW Plan. The RRW intends to implement newer U. S weapons with higher-performance ratings and advance safety and security features while providing a less expensive maintenance plan. After examining the article in Bulletin of Atomic Scientist, the RRW is aimed at accomplishing a more cost effective and efficient method of securing the decreasing stockpile to be more reliable and safe (Drell 48). Incorporating the RRW will provide the tools necessary to ensure that nuclear underground testing is less likely to be required for future designs (A Different Kind of Complex 1). Conclusion: Unfortunately, the RRW has been cancelled due to the overwhelming concerns of long-term funds to maintain RRW and Democrats feel as though the RRW is not a proven technology. However, the RRW should be used as a motive not to continue nuclear testing. Implementing the RRW will alleviate the SSP of existing issues concerning the long-term reliability, safety, security and manufacturing of U. S weapons that are less prone to underground nuclear testing. Overall, RRW will serve as a solution to the ongoing concerns of underground nuclear testing. Works Cited Arm Control Association. â€Å"A Different Kind of Complex: The Future of U. S. Weapons and the Nuclear Weapons Enterprise. †(1997-2009): 3 March 2009 http://www. armscontrol. org/print/3454 A New Nuclear Warhead. (Editorial Desk)(Letter to the editor). The New York Times. (30 Jan 2007): A20(L). Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Apollo Library. 3 Mar. 2009 http://find. galegroup. com/ovrc/infomark. do? contentSet=IAC-Documentstype=retrievetabID=T004prodId=OVRCdocId=A158559391source=galeuserGroupName=uphoenixversion=1. 0 Boyer, Paul S. â€Å"Nuclear Weapons. † The Oxford Companion to the United States History. Oxford University Press. (2001): 303 Department of Defense news release. (2March 2007): Reliable Replacement Warhead Design Decision Announced http://find. galegroup. com/itx/start. do? prodId=ITOF Global Security for America. â€Å"U. S. Strategic Commands Supports RRW Strategy. † (2007) 2 March 2007 http://www. stratcom. mil/default. asp? page=newsarticle=14 GlobalSecuirty. org. â€Å"Weapons of Mass Destruction. Reliable Replacement Warhead. † (2009) 11 March 2009 http://www. globalsecurity. org/wmd/systems/rrw. htm Interavia Business and Technology. â€Å"Reliable Replacement Warhead. † (2007): 3 March 2009 http://find. galegroup. com/itx/start. do? prodId=ITOF

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Leadership Essay Example for Free

Leadership Essay 1.Leadership as a process, is the use of no coercive influence to shape the group’s or organization’s goals, motivate behavior toward the achievement of those goals, and help define group or organizational culture; as a property, the set of characteristics attributed to individuals who are perceived to be leaders. 2.General Mandible is not a leader because he does not motivate the ants to achieve the colony’s goal, unless the goal was for all the ants to drown and die. He leaves all the ants to drown at the end of the movie. Leaders stick with the team all the way and do not try to kill their own team. 3.Zee is a leader because in a crises moment he does not get scared. At the end of the movie when all the ants are about to drown, he motivates all of them to build a ladder to the top, and his plan ends up saving all the ants. He is able to use nonaggressive force to motivate the ants. 4.The quote â€Å"Individualism makes us vulnerable† applies to ants where one ant alone is weak and small and can’t do much, but all the ants together can do anything. Like it takes all the ants to make the ladder at the end of the movie saving them from drowning, it is crucial to their survival that they stick together. This mostly applies everywhere, being in a team is better than being alone. 5.The Power Position is the physical position in the room for a business meeting, which supposedly has the most power. The leader in this position where he can see all entrances to the room and no activity is going on behind him. Three types of position power are: Legitimate Power- Power granted through the organizational hierarchy; it is the power defined by the organization that is to be accorded people occupying particular positions. Reward Power- The power to give or withhold rewards, such as salary increases, bonuses, promotions, praise, recognition, and interesting job assignments. Coercive Power- The power to force compliance by means of psychological, emotional, or physical threat. 6.A scene from the movie that illustrates the use of position power is when General Mandible is discussing about the colony with the Queen and the Queen tell him he can do whatever he likes because she trusts him that he will do everything for the good of the colony. She has legitimate power granted through the hierarchy, but then the General abuses his power and the works start to work hard because they don’t want to deal with the General because he uses Coercive Power. 7.Personal power is the power that comes from within to influence other it has nothing to do with the persons position. Two types of personal power are: Referent Power- The personal power that accrues to someone based on identification, imitation, loyalty or charisma. Expert Power- The person

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Marketing Objectives In Tourism And Hospitality

Marketing Objectives In Tourism And Hospitality This report represents a detailed analysis of current business and marketing strategy of Hilton Hotels Resorts a global hotels and resorts company with more than 540 locations in 78 countries (A Room for You, 2012, online). The parent company, Hilton International comprises a range of famous brands such as Waldorf Astoria Hotels Resorts, Conrad Hotels Resorts, Doubletree, Embassy Suites Hotels, Hilton Garden Inn, Hampton Inn, Homewood Suites by Hilton, Home2 Suites by Hilton, and Hilton Grand Vacations (Our Brands, 2012, online) The reasons for the choice of Hilton Hotels Resorts amongst many other brands in particular include a high level of brand awareness, and availability of vast amount of information about the brand. The report starts with a situational analysis of Hilton Hotels Resorts, including its current position within travel and tourism industry in the UK, analysis of companys main stakeholders and their interests, PESTLE analysis conducted for Hilton Hotels Resorts and description of marketing issues faced by the company. This is followed by a marketing report that comprises description of Hilton Hotels Resorts services, and analysis of the companys pricing, promotion and distribution strategy. Moreover, this report comprises a market research plan for Hilton Hotels Resorts that explains actions involved in each stage in the research process in order to achieve the research objective. The report is completed by discussions about importance of sustainability and corporate social responsibility for Hilton Hotels Resorts and an assessment of the companys policies in these two important areas of business practice. 1. Situational analysis 1.1 Position of Hilton Hotels Resorts within Travel and Tourism Industry in the UK Travel and tourism industry in the UK represents one of the key sectors in the national economy and according the research conducted by Oxford Economics travel and tourisms total contribution to GDP in the UK was GBP 101 billion in 2011 or 6.7% of total GDP (The World Travel Tourism Council, 2012, online) Figure 1 represents the structure of the UK tourism industry, and within this structure Hilton belongs to accommodation category. Moreover, the UK is the second biggest market for Hilton Hotels Resorts after the US (Barnett, 2011), and thus the UK market represents a point of focus for Hilton strategic level management. Figure structure of the UK tourism industry (field work) 1.2 Hilton Hotels Main Stakeholders and Their Interests Stakeholders of companys including Hilton Hotels Resorts can be divided into two categories: internal and external. Internal stakeholders represent parties that belong to Hilton such as shareholders and employees. The primary interests of shareholders are profit maximisation, whereas employee interests include gaining a wide range of tangible and intangible compensation from their employment. External stakeholders, on the other hand, are parties that do not belong to Hilton; nevertheless they have interest in the business from various perspectives. The following figure illustrates a range of Hilton external stakeholders and their interests: External stakeholder Interests Communities The nature of impact of business activity to the community Customers Purchasing products and services in lower prices Government Business employment relations, corporate taxation, compliance with laws, rules and regulations etc. Suppliers Long-term partnership in mutually beneficial terms Media Corporate performance, corporate conflicts, employee relations etc. Table External stakeholders and their interests 1.3 Hilton Hotels PESTLE Analysis PESTLE abbreviation is interpreted as political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental factors impacting businesses, and PESTLE is an important framework for assessing external factor impacting business practices. 1.3.1 Political Factors Political stability is the key to the success of any industries and it is applicable to hotel industry as well and it needs to cope with political situations everywhere in the world. The political approaches can influence the number visitors, both, tourists and business travellers visits to a nation (Jones, 2002). It may a concern for many people those who are visiting Northern Ireland because of the ongoing very delicate political situation. Moreover, Hiltons performance is directly affected by consumer protection and employment laws in UK, as well as, the nature of competitive regulation, and risks of military invasion in the country. 1.3.2 Economic Factors National macroeconomic situation and factors and events impacting the situation are major factors affecting Hilton Hotels Resorts business in the UK. For example, during the Olympic times in the UK most of the hotels were occupied and booked fully for the whole period. However, the situation was completely different once the Olympic Games were over. Additional economic factors that affect Hilton may include the extent of expected and real economic growth in the UK, national taxation policies, and seasonality and weather problems. 1.3.3 Social Factors The Hilton brand is very well known amongst international visitors and the UK is one of the popular destinations for the tourists and shopping lovers. A wide range of social factors impacting Hilton Hotels Resorts include emerging trends in consumer lifestyle, consumer demographic variables, the impact of role models in consumer decision making, and growth rate of population. For example, increasing numbers of young consumers from emerging economies like China and India visiting the UK for various purposes can be specified as an important social factor that impacts the UK hotel industry. 1.3.4 Technological Factors An overall development of technological infrastructure related to catering industry might have great impact on Hilton performance. Matters associated with the use of energy and their costs and the potential for innovation within the industry can be classified as important technological factors (Sandhusen, 2008). Furthermore, hotel bookings have become very sophisticated than ever before. Anyone can book a hotel room in a simple step with the help of internet. Increasing number of social media such as Facebook, tweeter and websites like trip advisor help both the customers and the hotels. 1.3.5 Legal Factors Legal factors are also important source of external impact on Hilton performance and they include any changes in the UK jurisdiction that affect the catering industry in direct and indirect ways. Additionally, there are many visa restriction rules are there in many countries such as the USA, the EU countries, Australia etc. for the international visitors and these countries are plays important role in the travel and tourism industry. 1.3.6 Environmental Factors The hospitality and catering industry often becomes a point of criticism for polluting the environment particularly in most of tourist attractions such as historical places, beaches, forest areas, hills etc (Foskett and Paskins, 2011). A range of activities related to tourism not only creates pollution, but also disturbs animals and related environment. Moreover, hotels and related businesses are contributing a considerable amount of carbon emissions with negative implications to the issues of global warming. Accordingly, businesses like Hilton are facing tight regulations to operate their business in the UK. These regulations are inevitably increasing the levels of operational costs for the company. Additionally, the UK being a part of the European Union (EU), Hilton performance is also impacted by relevant jurisdictions introduced by the EU. 1.4 Marketing Issues Faced by Hilton Hotels Currently, Hilton is faced with a range of substantial marketing issues in the UK threatening its long-term growth prospects. Increasing level of multiculturalism in the UK can be specified as a major marketing challenge Hilton has to deal with. Specifically, due to the increasing level of competition in the marketplace the level of cultural diversity in the UK is rapidly increasing. Accordingly, Hilton is left with a complex task of formulating and implementing a marketing strategy that needs to address cultural diversity amongst its customers. Additional marketing challenges faced by Hilton Hotels can be specified as increasing level of guest sophistication, and difficulties associated with market segmentation due to overlaps in Hilton International brands. In other words, Hilton International consists of Waldorf Astoria Hotels Resorts, Hilton Hotels Resorts, Conrad Hotels Resorts, Doubletree, Embassy Suites Hotels, Hilton Garden Inn, Hampton Inn, Homewood Suites by Hilton, Home2 Suites by Hilton, and Hilton Grand Vacations (Our Brands, 2012, online), and there is a little difference amongst these brands in terms of their market positioning. This fact creates marketing challenges for Hilton Hotels Resorts in terms of differentiating this particular brand from other brands within Hilton International portfolio. 2. Marketing Report 2.1 Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Strategies used by Hilton Hotels The process of market segmentation involves dividing the market into segments or groups based on the characteristics from the specific market. In this way the most attractive or suitable segment based on the services and products can be targeted very effectively and efficiently. Generally the market can be divided into four different groups, and they are geographic, demographic, psychographic and benefit oriented (OGuinn, et al., 2011). 2.1.1 Geographic Segmentation. Geographic segmentation involves targeting specific consumer groups according to their geographic locations in national and international levels. Hiltons geographic segmentation strategy mainly focuses on the local preferences and the location. For instance, Hilton open hotels in London for attracting mainly business people and the services mainly focus on business travellers. 2.1.2 Demographic segmentation A set of variables used in demographic market segmentation include gender, life-cycle stage, age, income, social class, and lifestyle. From this perspective, Hilton target customer segment represent middle and senior aged professionals with high level of income belonging to upper social class. Moreover, Hilton Hotels Resorts mainly target individuals that pursue luxury lifestyle, and accordingly, the company charges premium prices for its products and services perceived to be of a relevant quality. 2.1.3 Psychographic Segmentation Psychographic segmentation goes beyond demographics as it examines how a person thinks, feels and behaves, using personality, lifestyle and values as segmenting variables (Cant et al., 2009, p.118). The nature of psychographic segmentation used by Hilton involves targeting ambitious individuals who would like to express their perceived high status and achievement by staying in five star rooms offered by the hotel at premium prices. 2.1.4 Benefits Segmentation Benefits segmentation involves implementing market segmentation on the basis of benefits customers aim to obtain using products and/or services offered by the company. Accordingly, perceived or real benefits offered by Hilton to potential and existing customers include sense of achievement, a high status in society, and luxury. 2.2 Description of Hilton Hotels Products and Services In order to capture every opportunity in the market, Hilton operates hotels and other related services in accommodation, gambling and entertainment areas. Few areas are entirely new for Hilton Group, including a gambling business. Hilton Hotels Resorts offers mainly accommodation services through its hotels, resorts, apartment hotels etc. Most of the revenue is generated through selling hotel rooms to customers. There are also a range of other services and products that contribute to the level of revenue stream such as restaurants, bars, smaller shops, spa, laundry services, travel desk, business centre, banquet halls etc. Among these products and services the core one is rooms divisions which brings most of the revenues. Generally, products are divided into three levels: core, facilitating and supporting products. Core products can be explained as a basic form of a product. To put it simply core products are the main reasons for customers purchasing from a business. For Hilton Hotels Resorts core product is hotel rooms that customers stay in for a specific period of time. Peripheral services can be explained as additional products and services above the core product that businesses offer to get competitive edge in the marketplace. Facilitating products involve services that assist consumers in consumption of core products. Hilton offers a set of popular facilitating products such as customer services, bars and restaurants, and online reservation facilities. Supporting products include additional products and services that are offered in order to obtain competitive advantage for the business by increasing the value of core products and services. A range of supporting products offered by Hilton Hotels include 24/7 room service, free newspapers and magazines for business travellers, concierge services etc. (Reid and Bojanic, 2010). Augmented product is benefit offer made by businesses that consist of core product and peripheral services. Augmented products offered by Hilton Hotels Resorts include membership discounts, luxurious room and exterior designs, high class restaurants and relaxed hotel atmosphere. 2.3 Hilton Hotels Pricing Strategies Pricing strategies used by businesses are divided into four broad categories within the framework of Pricing Strategy Matrix: economy, penetration, skimming and premium pricing strategies. Economy pricing strategy involves selling products of basic features and characteristics to consumers with low budgets. Penetration pricing strategy, on the other hand, involves offering high quality products and services in low prices than the competition in order to increase market share. Skimming, as a pricing strategy is opposite to penetration in a way that products and services are offered in a higher price levels than the competition. The main rationale for the choice of skimming pricing strategy may include the desire to associate products or services with exclusiveness and a high quality. Figure Pricing strategy matrix Source: Premium pricing strategy involves charging high level prices for products and services that are perceived to have excellent quality and additional characteristics and features. From the classifications provided above the type of pricing strategy adopted by Hilton Hotels Resorts can be specified as premium. Hilton only offers five star and four star rooms and the company is able to charge its customers at premium levels because beyond the core product, Hilton also sells a set of intangible benefits such as sense of achievement, high status and luxury. 2.4 Hilton Hotels Promotion Strategy Hilton Hotels Resorts employ promotion strategy that utilises various components of promotion mix. Generally, major elements of promotion mix include advertising, public relations, personal selling, and sales promotion. 2.4.1 Advertising Advertising is a paid, mediated form of communication from an identifiable source, designed to persuade the receiver to take some action now or in the future (Klever, 2009, p.25). New advertisement slogan of Hilton Hotels Resorts Stay Hilton. Go Everywhere is aimed to communicate the marketing message of the hotel being a large global brand and maintaining a high level of quality in all of its hotels. This marketing message is communicated through a set of specific elements of advertising promotional strategy such as advertisements in newspapers and magazines popular with senior level management professionals such as Forbes, Fortune, The Economist, and Financial Times. Moreover, the communication of Hilton Hotels Resorts marketing message is also facilitated through broadcast advertisements in selected television channels. 2.4.2 Public Relations Officially, The Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPD) defines public relations as planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain goodwill and mutual understanding between an organisation and its publics (CIPD, 2012, online). In simple terms, public relations can be explained as a one way communication between the company and the public. Hilton Hotels Resorts public relations are maintained through communication with a range of parties such as customers, employees, and other private and public organisations. Specific methods of public relations used by Hilton Hotels Resorts include issuing online and offline press releases in a regular manner, and communicating through newsletters with organisational stakeholders. Moreover, the company website serves as an effective platform for Hilton Hotels Resorts for engaging in public relations. 2.4.3 Personal Selling Personal selling involves company sales representatives contacting potential customers through various channels with the aims of making a sale. The advantages of personal selling include the possibility to attract customer attention, application of interpersonal skills in order to mage the sale, and the potentials for forming and maintaining long-term customer relationships. At the same time, personal selling promotion mix has some disadvantages such as being overly expensive to conduct and reaching fewer numbers of perspective customers in a given period of time compared to other elements of marketing promotion mix. Promotion strategy used by Hilton Hotels Resorts does not involve personal selling due to the nature of the business. 2.4.4 Sales Promotion Sales promotion relates to attempts by a business to persuade potential customers to purchase products or services through introducing various incentives (Evans et al., 2004). Sales promotion is popular in hotel industry, and accordingly this specific element of promotion mix is used by Hilton Hotels Resorts in an intensive manner. Hilton Hotels Resorts engage in sales promotion through HHonors points based rewards program and discount vouchers available on official company website. Moreover, Hilton Hotels Resorts offer a wide range of deals on their website in order to increase the level of their revenues. Hilton Hotels Resorts gains practical advantages from using sales promotion in the forms of increasing the level of revenues and achieving utilisation of their rooms at a greater extend. However, it is important to note that by introducing aggressive sales promotions Hilton Hotels Resorts may be risking compromising brand value in a way that sales promotion and the possibility to use the brand services in cheaper prices might be compromising the level of exclusiveness of the brand. Furthermore, sales promotions only offer short-term advantages and thus this element of marketing promotion mix is best used only in an occasional manner. 2.5 Hilton Hotels Resorts Distribution Strategy The ultimate aim of the distribution strategy for a hotel firm can be specified as making available the products and services to consumers where, when and how they prefer them (Reid Bojanic, 2010). Hilton Hotels Resorts distribution strategy heavily relies on information technology and internet in various formats. Firstly, the official website of the company serves as an effective platform for service distribution as it is supplied with a wide range of features and capabilities providing practical assistance to customers such as booking a room, planning events and weddings, scheduling meetings and booking airport pick-ups. Moreover, the distribution of Hilton Hotels Resorts products and services is also facilitated through mobile convenient applications made available for IPhone and Android platforms. Social media is adopted as another effective instrument by Hilton Hotels Resorts in distribution of its products and services. For example, the official page of the company in leading social networking website, Facebook has been liked by more than 405,300 people who receive latest news about the company and special offer announcements through the website. The main reason behind the selection of internet platform as the base of Hilton Hotels Resorts distribution strategy relates to a wide range of conveniences associated with internet. Specifically, internet presents Hilton Hotels Resorts customers with the possibilities of purchasing products and services in advance on the go and within a timeframe of a few seconds. 2.6 Usage of Three Ps of Extended Marketing Mix by Hilton Hotels Resorts Traditional four Ps of marketing mix discussed above have been specified as product, price, promotion, and place, and additional three Ps of extended marketing mix have been adopted as process, physical evidence and people. 2.6.1 Process The process element of marketing mix is approached by Hilton Hotels Resorts according to its selected business strategy. Specifically, the company aims to maintain the process of service provision in a premium levels in a luxurious manner. Generally most of the hotels are running 24/7 their businesses unlike banks or schools. It is because the accommodation services need to be provided around the year and 24 hours in a day. In order to remain competitive the marketing process used by the hotel is very important. According to Rutherford (2007) the marketing process of a hotel should begin from deciding what to be and what to offer to whom. Creating awareness and stimulating the demand among the consumers are the key marketing process can help to achieve the competitive advantage. 2.6.2 Physical evidence Physical evidence can be explained as tangibility of Hilton Hotels Resorts services and physical outcome that is generated from consumption of the service. Specifically, physical evidence for Hilton Hotels Resorts includes luxurious interior and exterior design, attitude of hotel workforce towards customers and service provision, and inclusion of tangible goods within the service. 2.6.3 People There are various people groups that play a vital role for the success of Hilton Hotels Resorts. Broadly, people that have direct implications on Hilton Hotels Resorts performance can be divided into three categories: customers, employees and suppliers. Customers represent an important group of people for Hilton Hotels Resorts for obvious reasons. Generally hotel firms target a wide range of customers from leisure to business travellers, people those are want to eat outside etc. One of the big challenges to the hospitality marketing is satisfying the different mind-set customers. Over a period these customers needs and wants will also be changed (Bowie Buttle, 2011). Employees are classified as another group of people that can have tremendous impact on service outcome, and consequently on the level of profitability of Hilton Hotels Resorts through their performances. Moreover, Hilton Hotels Resorts rely on a wide range of suppliers and the performance of people employed by suppliers also might have indirect implications on the performance of the company. 3. Market Research It is critically important for Hilton to be conducting researches in a regular basis in order to identify the level of customer satisfaction and identify specific aspects of the service customers are particularly happy or unhappy with. The market research plan proposed for Hilton Hotels Resorts consists of the following stages: defining the problem, selecting appropriate methodology, data collection, data analysis, data presentation. 3.1 Defining the Problem Marketing research starts with a problem definition. Alternatively, this stage can be marked with formulation of research objectives. Failure to define the problem in an appropriate manner or formulate market research objective can result in the waste of time and financial resources invested in the project. The main objective of the market research plan proposed for Hilton Hotels Resorts can be specified as follows: Identifying the level of Hilton Hotels Resorts customer satisfaction and detecting specific aspects of the service customers are particularly happy or unhappy with Achievement of this marketing research objective can contribute to long-term growth of Hilton Hotels Resorts in a way that according to the findings of the marketing plan specific aspects of the service contributing to the level of customer satisfaction can be further strengthened, and equally, aspects of the service causing customer dissatisfaction can be eliminated. 3.2 Selecting Appropriate Methodology Once the problem has been clearly identified, appropriate methods need to be selected for the purposes of data collection. The methods of data collection can be divided into two categories: qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative methods use non-numerical elements such as sounds, emotions, feelings, words and others, whereas quantitative methods involve the use of numbers and calculations in various formats. Comparison dimension Qualitative research Quantitative research Types of questions Probing Non-probing Sample size Small Large Information per respondent Much Varies Administration Interviewers with special skills are required Fewer special skills required for interviewers Type of analysis Subjective, interpretive Statistical, summarisation Hardware required Tape recorders, projection devices, video, pictures, discussion guides Questionnaires, computers, printouts Ease of replication Difficult Easy Table A Comparison of a qualitative and quantitative research Source: Wiid and Diggens (2009) The most popular data collection techniques that can be used in market research include questionnaires, interviews, observation and focus groups. Table 2 illustrates a brief description of popular data collection methods Technique Description Observation Monitoring behaviours of sample group members or observing event by humans or non-humans Focus groups Organising group discussions with sample group members with the participation of a moderator addressing research questions in direct and indirect ways Projective techniques Collecting data through appealing to motives, urges, emotions or feelings of sample group members in indirect ways Survey methods Questionnaire Formulating a set of questions to be answered by sample group members in an individual manner Interviews Verbal questioning of sample group members in one-to-one basis in order to extract needed information Table Description of popular data collection methods Source: Knight and Ruddock (2009) 3.3 Data Collection The process of data collection through questionnaires is not a simple task as it may seem and there are important aspects of data collection process that need to be addressed. Firstly, ethical considerations of market research need to be addressed in this stage in a way that participation in the survey should not be made compulsory amongst Hilton customers and their personal and contact details should not be collected. Moreover, data collection and analysis needs to comply with Data Protection Act (1998). Sampling represents another important aspect of data collection from members of population. Popular sampling techniques that can be used in market research include cluster, systematic, theoretical, convenience, quota, purposive and snowball sampling methods. A critical assessment of advantages and disadvantages of sampling techniques listed above finds quota sampling as the most suitable to be utilised in the proposed market research. Utilisation of quota sampling method in an appropriate manner necessitates introduction of certain requirements for individual population members to be included in the survey (Serakan and Bougie, 2009). Accordingly, taking into account the nature of marketing plan objective the requirement introduced to individual population members can be specified as an experience of using Hilton Hotels Resorts products and services. In other words, only individuals that have used products and services of Hilton Hotels Resorts need to be asked to complete the questionnaire. This task can be appropriately implemented by offering Hilton visitors in selected hotels from various parts of the UK to participate in the survey. In order to generate adequate amount of responses questionnaire questions, answers need to be obtained from at least 1000 respondents. Moreover, Hilton Hotels Resorts market research questionnaire needs to include both, close-ended and open-ended questions. Closed-ended questions are needed to generate data about consumer demographic variables and assessment of specific aspects of service, whereas open-ended questions need to be included in order to reflect customer suggestions about potentials for improvement and to capture additional relevant issues not included in questionnaire. 3.4 Data Analysis Data analysis, as an important stage in market research involves critical analysis and interpretation of questionnaire findings. Data analysis for Hilton Hotels Resorts market research involves the application of quantitative and qualitative methods. The application of quantitative methods is needed for answers given to closed-ended questions. Specifically, percentages associated with the selection of each alternative answers to questions need to be calculated and critically analysed. The application of qualitative methods, on the other hand, is needed to analyse answers provided for open-ended questions. Qualitative data analysis in market research involves detecting common patterns within information given by questionnaire respondents and analysing these patterns from a critical viewpoint. An important point to be addressed during data collection and data analysis stages of Hotels Resorts market research relates to validity and reliability issues. In order to address these issues correctly researchers need to remain objective at all stages of research process in general, and during data analysis stage in particular. 3.5 Data Presentation The main purpose in this last stage of the marketing research is to present findings of data analysis in such a format that it can be understood by

Prejudice, Racism and Power in Heart of Darkness Essays -- HOD Joseph

Race and Power in Heart of Darkness      Ã‚   In Joseph Conrad's novella, Heart of Darkness, the socially constructed differences of African and European cultures are effective in representing the power sites of the time. The alleged `superiority' of the European culture can be recognized by comparing their ideologies to those of the primitive, `inferior' `savages.' Conrad's personal experiences in the Belgian Congo, in the 1890s, influenced the compilation of Heart of Darkness, reflecting the waste and inefficiency of British Colonialism. Conrad referred to the colonization of Africa as, "the vilest scramble for loot that ever disfigured the history of human conscience and geographical exploration."(Joffe, 78) The cultural differentiation between the two races is utilized as a mechanism for the European society to justify the cruelty, suppression and alienation towards the African people.    Contrasts between white and black throughout the text, encourage the reader to identify the marginalized and the dominating race. The European society being `white' is presented as `greater' against which the `black' African society is judged as `lesser.' Marlow refers to the city of Brussels as a "whited sepulchre"(p24), which represents the splendor and glory of the city, hiding the corruption and darkness beneath. This ostentatious image of Brussels is then contrasted to the calamity visited upon an African village. "The village was deserted, the huts gaped black, rotting, all askew within the fallen enclosures."(p24). This austere image of death and desolation, confronts the reader with the power and callousness of the European society. The horrific scene of dying natives, "in every pose of contorted collapse... ...ds the Africans and positions them to challenge the power structures in their own society. As a modern reader, I bring my knowledge of aboriginal racism in Australia to the text, to acquire an enhanced understanding of the unequal power relationships in Conrad's Eurocentric society. The text has confronted me with the reality of the discrimination in my own society, which is inherent throughout the ideologies surrounding race, gender and class.    Works Consulted: Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. Editor Robert Kimbrough. New York: Norton, 1988. Guetti, James. 'Heart of Darkness and the Failure of the Imagination', Sewanee Review LXXIII, No. 3 (Summer 1965), pp. 488-502. Ed. C. B. Cox. Ruthven, K. K. 'The Savage God: Power in Heart of Darkness,' Critical Quarterly, x, nos 1& 2 (Spring and Summer 1988), pp. 41-6. Ed. C. B. Cox.       Prejudice, Racism and Power in Heart of Darkness Essays -- HOD Joseph Race and Power in Heart of Darkness      Ã‚   In Joseph Conrad's novella, Heart of Darkness, the socially constructed differences of African and European cultures are effective in representing the power sites of the time. The alleged `superiority' of the European culture can be recognized by comparing their ideologies to those of the primitive, `inferior' `savages.' Conrad's personal experiences in the Belgian Congo, in the 1890s, influenced the compilation of Heart of Darkness, reflecting the waste and inefficiency of British Colonialism. Conrad referred to the colonization of Africa as, "the vilest scramble for loot that ever disfigured the history of human conscience and geographical exploration."(Joffe, 78) The cultural differentiation between the two races is utilized as a mechanism for the European society to justify the cruelty, suppression and alienation towards the African people.    Contrasts between white and black throughout the text, encourage the reader to identify the marginalized and the dominating race. The European society being `white' is presented as `greater' against which the `black' African society is judged as `lesser.' Marlow refers to the city of Brussels as a "whited sepulchre"(p24), which represents the splendor and glory of the city, hiding the corruption and darkness beneath. This ostentatious image of Brussels is then contrasted to the calamity visited upon an African village. "The village was deserted, the huts gaped black, rotting, all askew within the fallen enclosures."(p24). This austere image of death and desolation, confronts the reader with the power and callousness of the European society. The horrific scene of dying natives, "in every pose of contorted collapse... ...ds the Africans and positions them to challenge the power structures in their own society. As a modern reader, I bring my knowledge of aboriginal racism in Australia to the text, to acquire an enhanced understanding of the unequal power relationships in Conrad's Eurocentric society. The text has confronted me with the reality of the discrimination in my own society, which is inherent throughout the ideologies surrounding race, gender and class.    Works Consulted: Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. Editor Robert Kimbrough. New York: Norton, 1988. Guetti, James. 'Heart of Darkness and the Failure of the Imagination', Sewanee Review LXXIII, No. 3 (Summer 1965), pp. 488-502. Ed. C. B. Cox. Ruthven, K. K. 'The Savage God: Power in Heart of Darkness,' Critical Quarterly, x, nos 1& 2 (Spring and Summer 1988), pp. 41-6. Ed. C. B. Cox.      

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Symbolic Use of Light and Dark in James Baldwins Sonnys Blues Ess

The Symbolic Use of Light and Dark in James Baldwin's Sonny's Blues In James Baldwin's "Sonny's Blues" a pair of brothers try to make sense of the urban decay that surrounds and fills them. This quest to puzzle out the truth of the shadows within their hearts and on the streets takes on a great importance. Baldwin meets his audience at a halfway mark: Sonny has already fallen into drug use, and is now trying to return to a clean life with his brother's aid. The narrator must first attempt to understand and make peace with his brother's drug use before he can extend his help and heart to him. Sonny and his brother both struggle for acceptance. Sonny wants desperately to explain himself while also trying to stay afloat and out of drugs. Baldwin amplifies these struggles with a continuous symbolic motif of light and darkness. Throughout "Sonny's Blues" there is a pervasive sense of darkness which represents the reality of life on the streets of Harlem. The darkness is sometimes good but usually sobering and sometimes fearful, just as reality may be scary. Light is not simply a stereotypical good, rather it is a complex consciousness, an awareness of the dark, and somehow, within that knowledge there lies hope. Baldwin's motif of light and darkness in "Sonny's Blues" is about the sometimes painful nature of reality and the power gained from seeing it. Baldwin's use of the symbols light and darkness seem at first stereotypical. Light is the good while dark is the bad, but after several uses it is clear that the author has a more complex idea. The first reference to light occurs while the narrator is thinking over the recently learned news that Sonny has been jailed. "I didn't want to believe that I'd ever see m... ...shes a symbolic motif of light and darkness to illustrate the duality of the brothers' world. Darkness represents reality, often cold, sometimes comforting, while light is the hope that sees them through. Together Sonny and his brother will face the darkness with a light and their hopes, making the black a little less foreboding, creating a reality they can deal with. At the end of the story the narrator sits in the bar watching his brother receive his applause and sends him a drink. He comments, "I saw the girl put a scotch and milk on top of the piano for Sonny . . . as they began to play again, it glowed and shook above my brother's head like the very cup of trembling," (439). Dark and light united in a drink of life, trembling with tenacity. Works Cited Baldwin, James. "Sonny's Blues." The Oxford Book of American Short Stories 1992: 409 - 439.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Satire in How to Poison the Earth Essay -- Linnea Saukko

â€Å"How to poison the earth† by Linnea Saukko can be seen in two different aspects. The first one would be by looking at it in a literal way, in which it will make it a very harsh, inhumane and cold text. On the other hand, it could be seen as a satire, sarcastic and ironic text in which Saukko expects to catch the reader’s attention. Saukko exaggerates the sarcasm, and satire in her writing in order to make the readers realize and understand the main purpose of her essay, which is to warn readers about threats to the future of our planet. Scientific terms are used frequently through out the text, but are followed by explanations in a coherent way, hence it makes it clearer and more understandable to the reader. For example, she is writing about substances and their characteristics, one of them is an unusual term called â€Å"half-life†, followed by an explanation in a parenthesis with a clearer explanation of the term. That way, it can be understood by the general public. The writing is straight forward and it’s absent of metaphors and similes. It is more an informative reading rather than descriptive, therefore it is lacking details and adjectives. Saukko starts by pointing out sarcastically how difficult polluting the earth can be. Afterwards, she starts listing efficient methods on contaminating the world, such as â€Å"generating as much waste as possible from substances† (Saukko, 246), or building more nuclear plants. At the beginning, it might be shocking to the reader the approach she is taking to make her point. In other words, the readers might not understand why she has such a negative attitude and hatred against the world. The manipulation, exaggeration, and the wor... ...d for the general public in order to raise social awareness in preventing polluting the world. It is important to raise social awareness on topics of this nature because it is affecting our world. It is important to consider it as every individual problem and concern rather than see it as an external issue. Saukko chose a whole new approach and technique to get into people’s mind. Usually, authors that want to point out and raise social awareness on issues of this nature, tend to be direct and straightforward about it. However, Saukko has taken it to the next level by approaching the readers in a unique way that will catch more of their attention and hopefully move their emotions on the topic. Works Cited Saukko , Linnea.â€Å"How to Poison the Earth.†The Brief Bedford Reader. Bedford/St.Martin’s Boston: 9th edition ,2006.246-247.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Saaraketha – an Organic Agro Forestry Company

Saaraketha, meaning â€Å"bountiful field†; is an organization that intends to deliver the promise symbolized by its name. Saaraketha is a fully Sri Lankan owned 100% Organically certified Global Social Sustainable Enterprise; established in 2008 under the 300 Factories Programme of the Government of Sri Lanka, following registration with the Board of Investment (BOI) Sri Lanka. Saaraketha specializes in Agro Forestry, along with other downstream value additions such as Organic Agriculture, Alternate Sources of Energy, Bio Extracts, Agro Tourism and Carbon Sequestration and Trading. Saaraketha strives to increase the productivity and profitability of small holder farmers of Sri Lanka through a cohesive program that addresses the current constraints for adopting agro forestry in their farming systems. The company’s philosophy is to infuse dignity to the vocation of farming through knowledge infusion, professional skill development and facilitating access to appropriate technology. Saaraketha’s aims to provide the socially responsible global citizens of the world the means to live a healthy, simple and ethical life; that supports integrated clean development while leaving only a minimal footprint on the environment. The farm is located in the picturesque village of Gangeyaya, Perakanatte, Wilgamuwa in the Matale District overlooking the knuckles range, bordering the Mahaweli river and is a six hours drive from the city of Colombo where it supports many poor farmers to defy the odds of their circumstances. The scenic nature of the village hides the various hardships that compound an already difficult life for the community of Wilgamuwa where attacks from wild elephants pose a very real threat to both life and livelihoods, scarcity of clean drinking water, lack of access to basic health & education, and crippling cycle of poverty are part and parcel of everyday life. We are privileged to be working with the people of Wilgamuwa who are striving to improve their quality of life while embracing sustainable practices of agriculture amidst these unequal odds. The sustainable community forestry model we use merges a number of commercially viable crops with mixed life cycles, to ensure regular income generation and healthy cash flows. We work to promote endemic plant species that are usually not thought of as cash crops, in an attempt to ensure their survival for the generations to come, while proving to be an additional source of revenue to rural farmers, thereby creating a sustainable model for conservation. With the organic agriculture element of the venture, we hope to reach the modern consumer who is conscious of the effects of her consumption on the planet. At Saaraketha we believe in sustainable growth: that man and nature can exist in harmony. We harness the benefits of Organic Agro Forestry as our primary means of doing business. Through this we are assured a commercially viable platform that allows users to reap maximum benefits with no damage done to the environment. To this end, we strive to leave behind a minimal carbon footprint. As a Global Social Sustainable Enterprise, we hold fast to the principles of the Triple Bottom Line, â€Å"people, planet, profit†.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Superhero and Comic Book

Superhero By Numbers – Lisa Watson and Phil Stocks January 29, 2009 by angelan Abstract: This paper reports on results of a statistical analysis correlating superhero characteristics such as powers, motivations, weaknesses, and costumes with commercial viability as represented by comic book sales and number of appearances in new media such as cinema and television. Results indicate that features of a character have little impact in the comic book market, and that new media trends support a move away from god-like, untouchable heroes to heroes displaying more human frailties and highly visual super abilities.Introduction The superhero is an ingrained part of popular culture that has seen resurgence in the last decade through the introduction of prominent characters to new audiences through expanded media. There was a time when superheroes were entrenched firmly in the comic book medium. However, advances in technology and changes in distribution channels have changed the superh ero industry considerably. With comic books barely achieving a fraction of early sales volumes, publishers are trying to revive their comic book heroes by taking them from the â€Å"Silver Age† to the silver screen and other fora.However, with greatly advanced media come great financial risks. In order to secure their investments, the sponsors of these types of ventures must have a solid understanding of the modern superhero audience and what it is looking for in an iconic protagonist. Heroes and villains express cultural values regarding what society reveres as admirable and fears as deviant (Klapp 1962). Bradford Wright’s (2001) book â€Å"Comic Book Nation† outlines the evolution of comic book stories and characters mimicking cultural change; however, this discussion was done retrospectively (as were others).These types of observations tell us that what was popular during the golden age of comic book heroes will surely not be desirable in today’s socie ty. It would be useful if publishers were able to determine what readers are drawn to now so that they might better meet the demands of this generation of reader. Empirically studying the popular appeal of superhero traits can give us insight into our society and trends within its development. What makes a character popular or prominent as we enter the Aquarian age? How important is boundless virtue or courage in the face of insurmountable odds?How relevant is the softer, vulnerable side of a character? Do readers have preferred super powers? Is an Achilles’ heel necessary? Moreover, what characteristics are enduring? Answers to these sorts of questions should provide the insights that will tell companies which avenues should prove the most lucrative and least risky to pursue in bringing superheroes back to the masses. The aim of this study is to analyse trends in superhero characteristics empirically in order to establish current popular superhero traits.Following standard p ractice for writing academic articles in the applied social science of marketing, study findings are then used to develop a series of managerial implications for businesses. In this instance, findings may be used to reduce risk in choosing existing heroes to introduce to modern audiences, or to create a new breed of hero that is better able to reach the target readers, viewers and players of the future. Literature Review Superheroes made inroads into popular culture in the 1930s at newsstands around America.The â€Å"Golden Age† of comics set a precedent of seemingly indestructible superheroes who held secret identities and were dedicated to upholding truth and justice (Bongco, 2000). After struggling to maintain reader interest through the early 1950? s, the â€Å"Silver Age† of comics saw revamping and reintroduction of characters thought to be buried deep in the archives at the Hall of Justice, this time bringing some more human qualities to the fore. Now, â€Å"wh en you think of Superman, you most likely think of the Superman that was in vogue when you were a child.There’s been a Superman for every decade since the character was created† (Fingeroth, 2004, p. 20). Even today, one man’s Dark Knight is not necessarily another boy’s Batman. The eighties and nineties saw a bold break from tradition as comic publishers started directly targeting more mature readership by introducing not just human struggles within the characters, but hints of amoral and anti-heroic tendencies as well (Bongco, 2000). Do superhero fans of today prefer the altruistic heroes of yesteryear like Spiderman, the bad-boy good guys like Wolverine, or looking into the darkest depths of the Dark Knight?The comic book companies that own our superheroes have used in-your-face tactics to increase sales figures before. The Justice League of America and The Avengers were, after all, â€Å"the fictional result of the real world commercial desire to gathe r the company’s most popular heroes into one magazine or animated series† (Fingeroth, 2004, p. 104). However, when companies are betting multi-billion dollar budgets on public interest in particular superheroes, they should be sure they are choosing wisely. Only the most popular of the comic book superheroes can make it to the silver screen or video game monitor.Which character is the right one? Which iteration is the right one? Or should we abandon our superheroes of yesteryear and create new ones, like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, exclusively through new media to show us the way? It is impossible to have a discussion of superheroes without the issue of gender being raised. Superwomen generally are parts of super teams rather than stand alone characters, and often they are in relationships with male counterparts. However, both partners need not be super, and significant others can be used as plot devices in stories.Therefore, it is worth exploring whether being in these s orts of relationships increases a character’s popularity. What do we look for in our superheroes? Kevin Smith (2003) has a simple view: â€Å"altruism and clothes† (p. unknown). On a more serious note, Fingeroth (2004) asserts that strength of character, positive values, and a determination to protect them start the list. So what separates superheroes from our other heroes? Bongco (2000) offers a costumed, secret identity (p. 102). Fingeroth (2004) argues that they have to possess skills and abilities that normal humans do not.Physical, mental and sensory attributes may be heightened. They may have superhuman powers that can range from magical gifts, to scientifically engineered mutations, to high-tech equipment or weaponry combined with an inexplicable ability to walk away from every battle unscathed. But most importantly, they always have to win in the end. By considering a wide range of these characteristics, we hope to be able to determine which combinations of the se characteristics are related to commercial success in a modern market. Method A database of superheroes was constructed incorporating a wide range of superhero characteristics.The purpose of this article is to determine what characteristics are most popular and commercially viable in today’s market. Marvel and DC Comics make up two thirds of the comic book market; thus it was decided that limiting characters to those in these comics would not be detrimental to sampling frame representativeness. An initial breakdown of character attributes and super abilities, including numerical rankings, was derived from information from fantasy role-playing games written for the Marvel and DC universes, specifically Marvel Super Heroes by TSR, Inc. , and DC Heroes by Mayfair Games.Independent variables included attributes and powers listed in the role playing games, as well as variables for their secret identities, weaknesses, motivations, costumes, significant others, and whether they ar e human, not human or mutant. The Marvel Super Heroes template and numeric scale was used and DC characters were translated from the DC Heroes system into the Marvel one. Both systems relate their numeric rankings to feats accomplishable in real-world terms (e. g. , able to lift 100 tons) and the attributes and powers are similar enough that this translation is formulaic and involves negligible speculation.Costume variables consisted of whether the heroes wear a cape and whether their costumes are primarily spandex. Significant other variables included whether the significant other is aware of their secret identity and whether he or she is used as a plot device; however, because not enough information was readily available about this variable it could not be used in the final analysis. Cape and secret identity were dichotomous (yes/no) variables. Weaknesses, motivation, humanness and spandex were short scales. Weakness scaled from none to debilitating (0-2). An example debilitating weakness is Superman’s vulnerability to Kryptonite.An example intermediate weakness is Iron Man’s alcoholism. Motivation ranged from none-given (0) to vigilante/revenge (1) to sense of duty (2) to desire to serve (3). Humanness extended from not human (0) to mutant (1) to human (2). Spandex ranged from no spandex (0) to sometimes appears in spandex (1) to all spandex all the time (2). Because the majority of superpowers are unique, they were grouped according to common attributes: powers derived from weaponry or equipment, the power to manipulate matter or energy (external to oneself), powers that are inherent to one’s physical body, powers of the mind, and magical powers.The very common powers of being impervious to harm and being able to fly were given separate entries. These variables were regressed on dependent variables representing commercial popularity to see which combinations of characteristics should prove most successful in the current marketplace. Tw o dependent variables were used to determine characters’ commercial success. The first was the collective number of movies, television programs and video games in which they have featured as main characters. The sampling frame for this data was the Internet Movie Database (http://www. mdb. com, 2005). The second variable was an estimated comic book sales figure for 2004. It used the monthly Top 300 comic sales lists published by ICV2. com (2004) to calculate the total number of Top 100 comic issues sold in 2004 that featured each of the heroes as central characters (based on title characters for individual titles and feature characters in the case of group titles). While these data can not be entirely accurate, they should provide reasonable estimates of heroes’ market popularity in popular media.Results There are 75 heroes in our database; some individual data points are missing for some characters. This sample is small for the number of independent variables in our a nalysis. Therefore, the first step was to conduct a factor analysis to group individual measures together to create a smaller, but still representative, variable list. A principal components analysis with a varimax rotation was used. It yielded 9 factor components. Factor loadings above 0. 400 may be seen in Table 1.The first factor was labelled â€Å"Physical Attributes,† incorporating health, strength, fighting ability, endurance and agility. Wearing a cape also loaded onto this factor, suggesting that particular fashion item is reserved for only the most powerful of superheroes. Apparently the new cape-less trend started by top superhero designer Edna â€Å"E† Mode has not yet caught on with the big boys. The second factor, â€Å"Sensory Attributes,† included karma, intuition and psyche, which may represent such characteristics as â€Å"spidey senses. † The third factor included resources, reasoning ability, popularity and motivation.This combination s uggests someone who is smart, rich, resourceful, charming and philanthropic, and was thus labelled â€Å"Appeal. † The fourth factor seemed to consist of the most stereotypical traits of a superhero: being bullet proof or indestructible, the ability to fly, and a desire to help protect mankind. As such, it was decided to call this factor â€Å"Golden Age† attributes. Factor five consisted of powers derived from weapons and/or equipment and the power to manipulate matter and/or energy, and was thus labelled â€Å"External Powers. † The sixth factor was labelled â€Å"Secret Identity. Powers associated with the body loaded negatively with secret identity, suggesting that characters without superhuman defences are more likely to require secret identities to protect themselves. The next factor, labelled â€Å"Mysticism,† included magical powers and powers of the mind. These powers were also associated with capes, which are still used by such modern media mag ical superheroes as Harry Potter. At first glance, factor eight appeared to be a bit of a mosaic of collected variance; however upon further inspection it is quite enlightening.This factor encompasses a weakness combined with powers related to the character’s body and high endurance. This factor captures the Achilles heel of the character, along with the struggle to overcome it; thus it was assigned the label of â€Å"Tenacity. † The ninth factor demonstrates the humanness of the character. Amusingly, wearing spandex is positively related to being human. It must just fit better under a wider variety of everyday street clothes. [pic]These factors were used as independent variables in two regression models relating the factors first to appearances in movies, TV shows and video games (new media), and then to comic book sales volumes (as outlined in the method section). Neither of the dependent variables was normally distributed, so natural log transformations were conduct ed on each of them before analyses were conducted. When the superhero factors were regressed on the new media variable, residual analysis uncovered a non-random error distribution that suggested weighted least squares was required.Thus, a weighted least squares regression analysis was conducted using unstandardized residuals as the weighting factor. The model returned an adjusted R? value of 0. 77, meaning that 77% of the variance in new media appearances for superheroes could be explained by the nine superhero factors (Table 2). Four factors had significant effects on how often a character appeared in new media. Sensory abilities, external powers and humanness had positive relationships with new media appearances. It is easy to see why external powers would be desired in today’s visually focused media.Interestingly, the Golden Age factor had a negative relationship with new media appearances, with Golden Age characteristics making a character 35% less likely to appear on scr een. Some of our favourite superheroes have been recreated and revamped over the years. An example of a Golden Age character shedding these stereotypical powers in new media would be the television program Smallville, in which Superman can’t fly and has not yet devoted his life to saving mankind. This example is also an apt one for demonstrating the appeal of the other two factors, humanness and sensory attributes.Directional results indicate that audiences want characters to be less untouchable and more human and to have an innate ability to understand their fellow man. They want to empathize in some way with the protagonist in the story. These results could describe the hardened street smart Batman or the gentler Tobey Maguire version of Spiderman, both of whom are due to make reappearances at the box office, and both of whom will be sporting spandex. Alternatively, these results could be used as a skeleton around which to build new characters to debut in video format. [pic ]A second regression analysis was conducted using comic book sales figures estimates as the dependent variable. The mass audience for movies is a much broader one than the comic book niche market, and as such is looking for more sophisticated superhero stories. Thus, what these two audiences are looking for in superhero characteristics may also be very different. As in the first analysis, the 9 superhero factors were regressed on the transformed dependent variable, in this case Top 100 comic book sales. Linear regression results did not require weighting. Results can be seen in Table 3.Only one of the measured superhero factors, tenacity, played a significant role in determining comic book sales. The ability to overcome weakness in the face of insurmountable odds is something that comic book fans have come to expect from their superheroes over the decades. When writers gave their characters flaws in the Silver Age it was meant to make them look even better when they beat the bad guy (Lang and Trimble, 1988). Apparently the formula still works. These results indicate that changing superhero characters, or developing new ones, will have little effect on sales. pic] This stagnancy with respect to characters may be caused by a general shift among comic book fans away from emphasizing characters and more towards purchasing issues based on their artists (Brown, 1997). Alternatively, this is a small market that is steeped in tradition. Fans involve themselves heavily in these products and are quick to point out inconsistencies. They may simply not be open to change, meaning that the superheroes themselves are hardly considered at this point, so long as they are consistent.In short, this small market is not where growth will happen and is not representative of a broader audience so pursuing alternative characters in this medium could prove to be a waste of resources. Managerial Implications Apart from shedding light on current cultural values, these findings can be ap plied commercially. While results suggested that the comic book market is not strongly character driven, results indicated that characters have a major impact on on-screen popularity.Television and movie audiences seem to want to see heroes that are intuitive human beings that have powers that are external to themselves, whether they stem from equipment or the ability to manipulate matter or energy outside of themselves. They are no longer interested in god-like characters that can fly and can’t be killed. This combination includes mutant characters. Results can be applied to choosing existing characters to introduce into these media, developing new characters specifically for those media, or altering existing characters to better suit the wants of the audiences viewing those media.For example, Iron Man fits these criteria, making him a perfect choice for an upcoming silver screen venture. Findings also suggest that Professor X would be a more popular character if he were to develop the ability to move things with his mind. Alternatively, an entirely new breed of superhero could be introduced to the world. A league of new and improved, culturally customized superheroes to rise from the wake of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Harry Potter, never having been restricted by the walls of a comic book panel.Limitations There are several issues that require the reader to interpret these results with caution. First, for reasons of practicality, we use quite a small sample of the most well established characters created by the two biggest comic book publishers for our analysis. Therefore, innumerable other superheroes developed by them, smaller companies and independents, as well as those that did not originate in comics, but in some other medium such as television or movies, are not accounted for.Next, much of our analysis was based on comic book sales figures, the overwhelming majority of which were published by Marvel and DC; however, these sales figures were us ed as a surrogate measure of character popularity. It must be recognized that collectors now often consider the comic book artists rather than the characters that they create when purchasing issues, as well as purchasing multiple copies of those they believe will be valuable (Brown, 1997).Thus, character popularity may not be as highly correlated with comic book sales figures as we assume in our analysis. Similarly, Marvel, DC and the majority of the new media depicting those superheroes come from North America. As such, our results may not be generalizable across cultures. Finally, audience demographics for Marvel Comics, DC Comics and the various other superhero media discussed here are proprietary, so we are unable to consider how the audiences for these media are similar or how they differ in our analysis.Instead we are making an assumption that there are differences and inferring that comic book producers have been successful in their bids to increase the superhero audience thr ough the use of new media channels. Future Research This study could be expanded to include a more representative sample of heroes from a wider range of publishers and media if a consistent system for quantifying many of the superhero traits could be agreed upon. Findings would be much more robust and reliable if this were achieved. Demographic or cross-cultural comparisons of preferred superhero traits and media could also be introduced.Villains should also be included in any future analyses. These additions would make the findings more inherently interesting because â€Å"comic book evildoers†¦help define the comic book hero† (Fingeroth, 2004, p. 15). Should further sociological analysis be of interest, a longitudinal study of these characters’ traits, their associated artists and their evolutions could be compared empirically to the observations provided to date and used to attempt to predict current popular trends and their changing sociological implications f or now and into the future.Little empirical work exists in the realm of superheroes as they relate to popular culture, leaving endless opportunity to test the many sociological theories being advanced about them. References Bongco, M. 2000. Reading Comics: Language, Culture, and the Concept of the Superhero in Comic Books. New York, NY: Garland Publishing. Brown, J. A. 1997. Comic Book Fandom and Cultural Capital. Journal of Popular Culture 30 (4): 13-34. Fingeroth, D. 2004. Superman on the Couch: What Superheroes Really Tell Us about Ourselves and Our Society. New York, NY: Continuum.Grinfeld, M. J. 1997. Superheroes Impart Life’s Lessons. Psychiatric Times 14. Klapp, O. E. 1962. Heroes, Villains, and Fools: The Changing American Character. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Lang, J. S. , and Trimble, P. 1988. Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? An Examination of the American Monomyth and the Comic Book Superhero. Journal of Popular Culture 22 (3): 157-173. Smith, K. 2003. The Superhero. Rolling Stone, May 15. Wright, B. W. 2001. Comic Book Nation: The Transformation of Youth Culture in America. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.